We gave a series of messages pointing specifically to answers and solutions at the same time than we launched this site. Watch them below, and browse some other choice 30-minute messages from our archive that provide guidance from a biblical perspective for dealing with specific issues.
Would you like to find relief from the things that afflict mind, heart, soul and body? Jesus had a miraculous healing ministry…and He still does! In the Bible we find ancient remedies from someone who was more than a doctor or therapist, who looked beyond the symptoms to treat the whole person and bring wellness in a way nothing else can. Would you be willing to give His alternative medicine a try?
We all try to reflect as perfect families, but beneath the surface, there may be a lot of tension going on. Most families could use some help in their relationships. How do you wish your spouse would treat you? What do you wish your kids or parents would do? This series can show us how God can help us treat (and get along better with) one another. Don’t give up—HELP is on the way!
Many of us live moments that scar us. But our scars are not the first–Jesus had scars. In this series we share stories from our community and stories from God’s word. Deep wounds can leave deep scars, but God knows our story better than anyone and He is here to heal and restore.
You can’t run from the frightening monsters lurking in the dark place no one wants to look–the mysterious depths within their own hearts. When unleashed they destroy your life and threaten your relationships. But they can be defeated. Learn from God’s Word how not to become another victim to these three malevolent forces.
You’ve dealt with them – toxic people. Infected with toxic thoughts, speak toxic words, even practice toxic religion. Maybe you’re infected yourself – it’s not healthy, and it may be poisoning your relationships. How do you love unhealthy people without getting sick yourself? Does your polluted marriage need cleaning up? Has even your relationship with God grown contaminated? Join us as we do some detox for the soul.
With so many succumbing to negative emotions and mental health issues, wouldn’t it be refreshing to gain a healthier, happier, and more hopeful perspective on what a successful life looks like? These countercultural practices actually benefit you: depending on God, decluttering your life, developing fellowship, and descending into greatness!